Worldwide, there are millions of people who have Trisomy 21. This is the most common cause of intellectual disability at birth, and it gets the least funding for research. This must stop…

For many years, scientists believed that it was impossible to do anything to intervene medically to lessen the effects of the extra genes a person with DS has in their cells.

The main reason for this was the fact that there are over 500 genes on chromosome 21. However exciting advances within the last 10 years have linked particular genes and biochemical pathways to the particular medical conditions seen more frequently in people with DS.

All this means that the potential for improving the health and quality of life for people with DS great.

Despite the challenges that lay before our community, people with Down’s syndrome have shown that, when given what they need, they can flourish. Quality and quantity of lives have been steadily increasing due to improvements in education and healthcare.

More can be done, but we need your help and support to make our vision a reality.

Run, walk or cycle – challenge yourself and be a part of the change coming for people with Down’s syndrome.