(watch the Facebook live here Monday 13th at 5pm UK time)

Lots of people with Down syndrome have a hearing loss.

The most commonly used hearing test, called Audiometry attempts to identify the quietest sounds that a person can hear at a range of frequencies in each ear. The standard version of this test involves presenting a sound and asking the person being tested to press a button when they hear the sound. The skills required by the person being tested are the ability to wait, and also the ability to respond in a consistent way on presentation of a sound.

Tests which remove both of these challenges are known as 2-Choice Audiometry. This form of assessment involves presenting sounds and directly asking the individual to make a choice between whether the sound was present or not.  There is very limited data on the application of 2-Choice Audiometry in adults with Down syndrome.

The proposed study investigates whether 2-Choice Audiometry is feasible for adults with Down syndrome and gives consistent responses to sound.

Siobhan, from the research team, is looking for adults with Down syndrome who either have no hearing loss or have a mild hearing loss.

If you decide to take part, Siobhan would come to your home and test your hearing using the usual hearing test and also the 2-choice audiometry.  The visit would take around 45 minutes.

There is more information about the study in easy read format here.

To find out more or to take part, please contact Siobhan…you’ll find her email below.


Siobhán Brennan
Siobhán Brennan is a clinical scientist and lecturer in audiology. Siobhán’s specialisms are auditory electrophysiology and audiological care for adults with a range of cognitive needs. Siobhán has had roles developing the quality of audiological care within the British Society of Audiology and the European Federation of Audiology Societies Working Group for Intellectual Disabilities.

Email Siobhán on skb41@kent.ac.uk

Mr Thanos Vostanis

Mr. Thanos Vostanis is a lecturer in intellectual and developmental disabilities, a qualified teacher (QTS), and a board-certified behaviour analyst (BCBA). Thanos is a member of various professional organisations such as Applied Behavior Analysis International, the UK-Society for Behaviour Analysis (UK-SBA), and the Standard Celeration Society (SCS).

Email Thanos on a.vostanis@kent.ac.uk